I have an extended experience of several decades in photography starting with graduation in “Visuelle Koimminikation” at  the “Akademie der Künste” in Berlin, where by the way I lived 16 years.  Later numerous workshops, autodidact learning and countless  hours of experimenting lead me to specialized in studio photography and therefore in lighting. I can work with flashes as well as continuos led lights. As for the camera I use the one that best suits the subject and job to be done.

I have been travelling my whole live around the world and now it is time to settle down. Currently I reside in a small town Vitoria, Spain, but internet connects me with the rest of the world. You will never take the jungle out of the tiger. 

I have done portraits and products, but nowadays I only do Food photography because I love cooking everyday, styling and lighting food is intuitive and great fun and last but bot leas I try to eat real heathy food and know and care about nutrition. It is like when 3 stars align after many years to form a stars constellation.

Light is my best friend and I love to tell stories with a mood. The image starts first in my mind and it is later develop in a session well prepared with love to details. Always pursuing new ideas inspired from deep inside. Feel instead of thinking and then hard work. My best image is the next one.